Sunday, January 8, 2012

happy new year from magpie lovely!

what a great first year it's been. we love working with all of these wonderful designers and getting the opportunity to introduce their products to a new audience. thank you to everyone who works so hard to make the shop a success. we feel very fortunate to love what we do. there are some great things ahead for magpie lovely. think: new categories (men! pets!), a lot more new designers and some fun contests.

the first year open was a year of growth and discovery for magpie lovely and we have high hopes that the second year is going to be booming!

here is a special offer for our blog readers.

use promocode: cheers2012 for 10% off your order.
cheers! we wish you all a happy & healthy 2012! xo

Saturday, January 7, 2012

he's here

well, he's been here for three weeks (three weeks?! when did that happen?) but this momma has been busy (read: beyond tired).

meet will. he is awesome in so many ways.

lots of baby updates to come, but for now it's back to bed.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

hello (and goodbye) due date

so here i am at 5 pm on 12.14... made it to my due date. i feel like it is quite the accomplishment since it hasn't been an easy road, but i am very anxious at this point to meet my boy. he is fully cooked and ready to face the world. t likes to say that he is too busy hanging up his christmas lights in there - our own little clark griswold. bean still has a week to come on his own, but my doctor scheduled me for an induction 12.21. cool date, right? he will be a week over due and i'm sure i'll be ready to try anything at that point. for now, we wait. oh and eat...a lot. i eat a hearty meal each night juuuust incase i go into labor and can't eat for a few hours. this girl does not like to be hungry.

hopefully my next post will be with a picture of my little man.

off to do some jumping jacks. xo

Friday, December 2, 2011

crunch time: a name

what's in a name? a lot.

i've been discussing names since day one of this pregnancy. i love names. really, not sure why but i just think the concept of choosing a name for your child is so special. that is why i want to get it right. i tend to like a little more unique/creative names and t prefers classic names. one thing we both agree on is that we want it to be a strong name that will carry him through life in whatever he wants to be.

here are three tests the name must pass:
1. yell the name on the lacrosse field. gooooo ______!
2. the blind date test: if i am a girl on a blind date and i hear that his name is ______, what is my first impression. (got this one from joanna at a cup of jo)
3. picture his name on a resume

i'm happy to report we landed on a name that we both love! it's perfect and i can picture myself snuggling with little _____, but also yelling "_____, stop it and get over here!"

here are some of our (my) top picks (i left out the one):
only boys, of course...

anderson (anders)
henry (hank)
elliott (maiden name)

very much looking forward to sharing bean's name. what are some of your favorites?

Sunday, November 27, 2011

cyber monday deal for magpie lovely!

hello shoppers! just for our followers we are offering 20% off your entire order! get out those holiday shopping lists. enter promocode: cybremon11 at checkout.

this is what i am asking for this year

happy shopping! xo

Saturday, November 26, 2011

full term, baby

life has been busy...and by busy i mean crazy, filled with many sleepless nights worrying about my little bean and if he is growing. t and i have had some ultrasound scares, but thankfully we got great news on wednesday that this boy is healthy and right on track. 6 pounds, 4 ounces at 37 weeks - we are thrilled. we went from having our bags packed, ready to meet our boy on thanksgiving to full relief of knowing bean can come when he wants. personally, i think he is quite comfy in there and i will have to get induced after my due date. momma birthday prediction: december 16. and we all know, momma knows best.

it feels great to be full term and know that when he comes he will be a nice big boy, ready to breathe on his own and come home with us to see his room!

t and i both attended the university of delaware and live relatively close to campus. we try to avoid the area when school is in session (mostly because it's hectic and parking is rare, but also the older we get, the younger the students get), but after our awesome news on wednesday we decided to wake up early on thanksgiving and take some pictures of this belly on campus. it was beautiful! we could not have asked for better weather. here are some of my favorites.

ok buddy, we are ready to meet you. come on out :)


ps. cyber monday deal for magpie lovely coming tomorrow! (a day early for our followers) yea!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

holiday gift guide - part four! (home)

the last part to our magpie lovely gift guide - items for your home! these would make fantastic host/hostess gifts.

that's it for our gift guide. i hope you enjoyed our ideas. we couldn't mention everything, so make sure you check magpie lovely for more great products.
