Saturday, November 26, 2011

full term, baby

life has been busy...and by busy i mean crazy, filled with many sleepless nights worrying about my little bean and if he is growing. t and i have had some ultrasound scares, but thankfully we got great news on wednesday that this boy is healthy and right on track. 6 pounds, 4 ounces at 37 weeks - we are thrilled. we went from having our bags packed, ready to meet our boy on thanksgiving to full relief of knowing bean can come when he wants. personally, i think he is quite comfy in there and i will have to get induced after my due date. momma birthday prediction: december 16. and we all know, momma knows best.

it feels great to be full term and know that when he comes he will be a nice big boy, ready to breathe on his own and come home with us to see his room!

t and i both attended the university of delaware and live relatively close to campus. we try to avoid the area when school is in session (mostly because it's hectic and parking is rare, but also the older we get, the younger the students get), but after our awesome news on wednesday we decided to wake up early on thanksgiving and take some pictures of this belly on campus. it was beautiful! we could not have asked for better weather. here are some of my favorites.

ok buddy, we are ready to meet you. come on out :)


ps. cyber monday deal for magpie lovely coming tomorrow! (a day early for our followers) yea!!

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